Monday 9 December 2013

Chapter 4


Study Case
1.       What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal smartphones for work?
I.        Lost concentration,maybe they will more to play with their smartphones than doing work such as social network.
II.      If too much application, the processor will slow.
III.    easily hang and damage

I.        They can easily do their work anywhere
II.      They easily therefor the file
III.    Up to date
IV.    Easily to communicate with other at the same time such as video conference

2.What people, organization and technology factors should be addressed when deciding whether to allow employee to use their personal smartphones for work?
                People, organization and technology are the factor that should be addressed when deciding whether to allow employee to use their personal smartphones for work because when employee makes change to their personal phone such as swithing cellular carrier and so on, companies will need to quickly flexibly ensure that their employee are still able to remain productive. Firms need an efficient inventory management system that keep tracks on which devices employee are using,where the devices is located whether it is being used and what software it is equipped with. Besides, mobility introduces a new layer of variety and complexity to tech  support that companies need to be prepared to handle.

3.Allowing employee to use their own smartphones for work will save the company money.Do you agree? Why or why not?
I disagree with that statement. This is because:
·         Using staff devices to use at work and home will generally face for greater ciosts than just supplying work devices.
·         Company will bear costs like fresh tax liabilities ,higher tariffs on consumer data and voice plan and subcription costs for mobile device management software.
·         Under UK Law, the company incurred additional national insurance charges because given devices to employees for doing work.
·         Support costs also go up due to internal helpdesk staff training to support a far wider range.
·         Company also have to bear the costs of any danage caused to an employees smartphones.

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