Monday 9 December 2013

Chapter 12

INTERACTIVE SESSION: TECHNOLOGY  Life on the Grid : iPhone Becomes iTrack

1)      Why do cell phone manufacturers (Apple, Google, and BlackBerry) want to track where their customers go?

They collect this data for advertising and marketing purposes. Now the mobile Web grid tracks you and your friends to sell you product and services. A new technology based on smartphones can identify where you are located within a few yards. And there’s a great deal of money to be made knowing where you are. Mobile technologies based on the smartphone make it possible to located people throughout the day, to report this information to corporate data bases, retain and analyze the information, and then sell it to advertisers and other. Location data gathered from cell phones has extraordinary commercial value because advertising companies can send you advertisement, coupons and flash bargain, based on where you are located.

2)      Do you think cell phone customers should be able to turn tracking off? Should customers be informed when they are being tracked? Why or why not?
Yes I think that there should be a feature to turn such features off. Customers should be informed even though most apps do display that GPS and network access is a requirement for the application.
3)      Do you think cell phone tracking is a violation of a person’s privacy?

Cell phone tracking is indeed an invasion of privacy. A privacy group is EPIC. The Electronic Privacy Information Center was founded in 1993 and focuses public attention to emerging civil liberties and to protect privacy, the first amendment, and constitutional values. I do support its calls for federal regulation because it does need to be regulated as this type of tracking is a breach of privacy.

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